Pourquoi écrivez-vous ? La réponse de Roger Smith
Publié le 8 Mars 2016 à 17h09
Ecrivain sud-africain, Roger Smith a connu la sombre période de l'apartheid, politique contre laquelle il a farouchement lutté. Il a connu un succès international dès son premier roman, "Mélanges de sang".

La réponse originale en anglais
Since I was a kid I was crazy about crime fiction and always wanted to write it. But during the apartheid years in South Africa writing crime fiction seemed to be beside the point: there was a far greater crime to talk about. Then one day in 2007 I said to myself, “Okay, this is it. Time to see if you can write that crime novel.” So I sat down and wrote Mixed Blood (Mélanges de sangs). I had very few expectations and no sense at all that I was doing something that would completely transform my life, but here I am, seven crime novels later