Book In Bar
Horaires : du lundi au samedi 10H-19H
Livres en langues étrangères
Le mot du libraire
Librairie Internationale - Café - Un espace café où vous pourrez flâner en découvrant les dernières nouveautés en VO. Book in bar is an International Bookshop located downtown Aix-en-Provence where you can find a large selection of worldwide literature while enjoying some delicious teas. Literature, Crime, Fantasy, Comics, Children Books, Travel Guides... You can't find a book? Order whatever you want by mail, phone, or fax! Every month Book in Bar invites you to interesting cultural activities such as, meeting with authors, bookclub, writing workshop, poetry corner and more. Book in bar is also a meeting place, come and check out our teas, smoothies, coffees, muffins or cookies.